Unnecessary weight gain is an increasingly common problem in the present day and age. This is mainly due to the lifestyle prevalent among the working class.

Excess weight increases your risk of many serious health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and some cancers, etc.

The fact is that the accumulation of toxins in the body can cause weight gain. And consuming foods and drinks that eliminate toxins and waste products from the body will help you start losing weight again. This drink we have for you today will help you get rid of your excess fat and reduce the risk of various diseases.

This is tried and tested method to lose weight effortlessly at home.

Read on as we share some simple yet interesting detox drinks to help you lose weight effortlessly



Lemon          -    2 lemons
Cucumber      -    1 cucumber 
Mint              -   10 to 12 leaves
Ginger          -   2 small pieces
Honey          -   2 teaspoon 

As you all know Lemon is a detoxifying agent with loads and loads of vitamin C in it.

Cucumbers are low in calories and contain a good amount of water and soluble fiber, making them ideal for promoting hydration and aiding in weight loss.

Mint leaves are not only in low in calories but it also packs a lot of fibre. And weight watchers must be aware that these two factors are quite important when it comes to weight loss. So, one can have them without worrying about its calories. Fibre will only help you keep you full for longer. 

Ginger and honey is known for their therapeutic and anti inflammatory properties which boost better metabolism and helps in digestion.


Take all the ingredient mentioned above and grind and store in an jar.

Drink this effective detox drink every night before bed to detox your whole body and remove toxin over night.

You can even drink it at afternoon after meal to make your immune system strong and to reduce your excess fat



Green tea ( TWINNINGS)
Peppercorn  - 8 to 10 corns
Ginger         - 2 pieces
Lemon         -  half 
Mint            -  2 leaves

Green tea can help elevate metabolic rate, increase fat oxidation and even improve insulin activity.(TWINNINGS green tea is my recommendation as it worked for me effectively)

Peppercorn is loaded with Vitamins A, C, and K, minerals, healthy fatty acids and works as a natural metabolic booster which makes it a storehouse of uncountable health benefits, including weight loss



many people tend to brew the green tea by dipping it in to the boiling water. As green tea has caffeine, it is not advisable to brew it in a hot boiling water.

Take extra care on brewing it by allowing the boiled water to cool down. After 10 mins, pour it on to the green tea and allow it to brew on more than 2 minutes.The brewing time may be shorter or longer as per your taste.

In Our recipe, Boil the water,add peppercorns and ginger in to it instantly. Allow the water to cool down and then add mint,honey and green tea.

Now wait for 2 minutes and now the tea is ready to serve!

You can have this early morning as soon as you wake up and continue having this after every meal in a day!

These are the miraculous Drinks that I swear by as it is tested method for weight loss and detoxification of our body.

Result will be seen after 10 days of consumption.

Remember to drink loads of water,As water is a major component to detoxify your body, it helps as a great hand to reduce your weight as early as possible.

Consuming these drink with a healthy diet reduces toxin in your body leading to weight loss and glowing skin!


Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be considered as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.
