Feeding your body with some healthy food will help you to improve your immune system

Some of the immune boosting foods are:  

  • Citrus Fruits(Oranges,Lemon,grapefruits,tangerines)
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Garlic
  • Spinach
  • Mint leaves
  • Honey
  • Pepper Corns and much more
Incorporating all these above food will improve your immune system eventually.

As we know, Corona Virus Disease(COVID-19) outbreak rises all over the world, Social media Platforms are filled with Myths and misinformation about the pandemic. To be Honest, there is no such Vaccines are discovered to cure COVID-19 completely.

We can Safeguard ourselves by Washing our hands often, maintaining social distancing and  Covering our Face while coughing as this Virus spreads by Respiratory Droplets.But we Can Boost our immune system to prevent from Corona Virus and to strengthen our health to fight against the Pandemic!

I have shared three immune boosting ayurvedic drink recipes with the ingredients which is  readily available in our very own kitchen.



  • Turmeric Powder-1 spoon
  • Honey-1 spoon     
  • Water- 2cup


Boil one cup of water and add both turmeric powder and honey in to it. Leave as it is for 5 minutes so that the drink turns lukewarm.
You can have this at any time of the day but you should not have anything Before and After 30 minutes of consumption.

As we all Know Turmeric is a natural way to help bolster the immune system by increasing the immunomodulating capacity of the body.

Honey a powerhouse of antioxidants, which are very effective for the removal of free radicals from the body and builds the immunity.

when we consume it with warm water it absorbs deeply into the body and detoxifies it which in turn results in better digestion and immunity.



  • Ginger-1/2
  • Garlic- 3-4 cloves
  • Pepper Corn- 2 spoon


Boil 2 cup of water,add Ginger,Garlic and Pepper corn in to it. boil it until it shrinks in to 1 cup. Allow it to cool down and consume.

You can have this before going to bed as this drink will detoxify your body overnight.

Ginger and garlic are the popular medicine for Common cold and general infections. Both has rich anti inflammatory properties which cleanse your entire body.It also reduces the risk of diabetes,cancer and other stomach & throat infections.

Peppercorn are a good source of many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin-C and vitamin-A. They are also rich in flavonoid polyphenolic anti-oxidants like carotenes, cryptoxanthin, zea-xanthin and lycopene. These compounds help the body remove harmful free radicals and help protect from cancers and diseases.


Lemon water is a drink which is loaded with tons of benefits. The high amounts of vitamin C, potassium and folate will boost your immune system and keep your body healthy. The natural phytonutrients and gut-healing properties of this drink will give your immune system an extra boost.


Just add Lemon juice in warm water and consume. Best time for consumpion is preferably at early morning in a empty stomach.  

Hope this Recipes are helpful. Though i am not a professional, these are the self tested recipe of grandma and we used to drink this often.

You guys can even add pomegranate,mint leaves, curry eaves, beet root juices in your day to day life to prevent from pandemic.

Did you know that your kitchen holds all the solutions to boost your immunity? Now, you cannot refuse from the fact that it is true gold that resides just beside you and has the power to save you and give that boost to your immune system!

Things to remember:

  • Do not step out of your house as it is transmitted from person to person.
  • Do follow social distancing (6 feet gap)
  • Do wear mask and gloves whenever you step out.
  • Do not panic or believe in false information,because world has experienced many pandemic and we will get through this too!
Cheer up and stay positive!!!..
